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Have you ever read a movie review, saw the film, and was confused how the review did not really apply to your individual tastes and preferences?

Was a movie regarding as being terrible surprisingly terrific? Or vice versa?

At BoomClickMovies, the goal is to produce reviews that make sense. Rather than provide a one sized fits all review that applies to most people generally, the site reviews attempt to provide reviews with clear associations between types of films within a genre as well as an overall score of how good the film is overall. This sounds like what most reviews try to do but you still see situations where crowd sourced reviews do not speak for everyone and the review systems that scare away people who otherwise would really enjoy a particular production. 

Along with coverage of other topics related to film including storytelling and how film productions affect communities, the hope is that visitors will be able to see different perspectives as well find some helpful information to help them make an informed, education decision on how to spend their entertainment money and time.