family dinner

Great food, great friends, and great memories

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There is potentially so much more to food than just eating it because we need to do it. Yes, food nourishes and sustains us. However, food also has the ability to bring people together and encourages the exchange of ideas, generational wisdom, and experiences. Food can be a catalyst for laughter and joy shared among friends and family. When we are sick or sad, the memories of preparing and sharing the food is perhaps more comfort than it was to eat it. 


When grilling food, many of us have memories of holidays, community events, and times to bond with one another as the food is prepared or while waiting for the meal to be completed. Games, jokes, sports, and conversation can often be found on the day of the event. Sometimes we eat too much and other times we wish we had just a little bit more. Whether it is grilling vegetables or meat, there can be something for everyone.


Good food is important for wellness. Without the right combination of nutrients along with a positive lifestyle, any one of us could feel like something is missing and that our bodies are not firing on all cylinders. Our hectic lives sometimes make this situation routine and encourage us to embrace a less than ideal status quo. As circumstances permit, we should aspire to make meals that not only satiate hunger, but also satisfy the palate and enrich our experiences. At Grillmonds, our hope is that everyone can enjoy their meals just a little bit more and satisfy so much more.